The club has been formed with the objective of providing a means for multihull boat owners to build networks, learn about how others fix issues and engage in both cruising and racing/rallys whilst enjoying the social aspects that belonging to a club provides.
A small group of owners have formed the club as a not for profit association and the formal name of the club is:
Multihull Cruising Yacht Club Inc.
The founding directors are as follows:
Commodore – Racing, Public office and Secretary– Michael Meehan
Vice Commodore – Treasurer and Infrastructure – Lynne Clark
Vice Commodore Cruising – Brett Hodder
Vice Commodore South Side – Cruising– Greg Bridges
Vice Commodore – Membership and Promotion – Chris Kubara
The intention is to provide a virtual club so that members can access activities, connect to other owners and participate in the activities no matter where they happen to be located.
This will be most apparent in the cruising side of the club with events being held locally around Sydney and other events such as cruising in company to places like Lord Howe island, Great Keppel Island and even to the Louisiade Archipelago.
To get started with racing we have chosen Sydney as there isn’t a club that actively focusses on multihulls and authority has been granted to run twilight events on a Thursday afternoon between 4 and 6 pm on Sydney harbour. The first of these will be on Thursday 15 November and weekly thereafter until 20 December take a break over Christmas and restart on 10 January running until end of daylight saving with last event on 7 April 2019. There will be two series, a pre Christmas TAGS twilight series and a post Christmas TAGS twilight series.
We will be conducting a membership drive with the fee for 2018/19 being $65. Members will receive a club burgee and regular newsletter / blogs that coordinate all events and provide a mechanism to engage with each other..
Multihull Central have agreed to be a sponsor of the club and this will enable the growth of the club to be accelerated.
We will host meetings of members to formulate and agree on the long term cruising destinations.
The founding committee.
For more information or to join the club email;