Friday 27 - Saturday 28
October, 2017
Seawind spinnaker race
* Raft up for a lunch
* Fun races with prizes for best dressed crew
* SEAbbatical Short Film Festival Screening
* Dinner at the Tramsheds
Click here to Register!
Friday 27th October
1pm Workshop for trimming your sails perform
3pm Briefing at Multihull Central Marina
4pm Fun sail around Sydney Harbour
7pm Wood Fired Pizza and trivia night
9pm Screening of SEAbbatical Short Film Festival
Sydney Seawind & Multihull Rally
Saturday October 28th
8am Breakfast
10am Fun sail around Sydney Harbour
12noon - 3pm Raft up for a lunch on the boats and swim in the harbour
4pm Fun sail around Sydney Harbour
7.30pm Dinner at the Tramsheds
Click here to register
Here is a snippet from last years event from the first day - not much wind!