Andrew, from a very young age had the passion and love for all things maritime, so at the first opportunity he purchased a boat.
His first love was a neglected and little understood Swiftcraft Stiletto. Andrew returned this little beauty to her former glory and as a result experienced, with family and friends, fantastic times in some of the most picturesque, hidden Australian waterways. As any boat owner will tell you, “you’re always looking for your next boat”. Those next included a Ramsay Rebel, Lewis Fireball, Riviera 33 and a Peter Cole designed Traditional 30.
After many passages including the NSW/Qld coast, Whitsundays, Greek Islands, Lord Howe Island, the coast of Brittany, English Channel and on to Rotterdam there came a “light bulb” moment. There is only one way to go – “the business class of cruising” – a Catamaran!
Toying with the idea of building his own luxury multihull, he soon realised a new, hi quality, proven production catamaran is the best choice. Who could go past a Privilege 465? She arrived in plenty of time for the New Year’s Eve fireworks celebrations of 2000!
Many years later and after a worldwide search for the best cruising power boat, Andrew has found his next maritime love, an Aquila 44.